As I was outside preparing my soil for the garden I let the chicks outside in their fenced-in area.
When I took this photo the sun was shining. As soon as it began raining I ran to the chicks to see how they were doing. The first time they looked like this, all hiding their faces in the straw.
The second time I went to check on them I could not see one of them! Upon closer inspection I saw three little butts. I picked them up and put them back into their tub. But where was the fourth?! Her orange fuzz matched almost perfectly the color of the straw and for a good few minutes I could not hear or see Raphael anywhere! I freaked out for a bit, put Leo in the house (my loud beagle who was shouting back and forth with the Doberman through the fence), and came back and could hear Raphael screaming for help. I barely spotted her in the straw and back in the tub she went.
I decided my chicks were not yet ready to be outside, so I brought them back inside where they were kept warm and protected by their heat lamp. They were content.
haha. i love the picture of the butts. ;)